Friday, November 30, 2007


"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference." - Elie Wiesel

Isn't THAT the truth. Very Christian sentiment, what with Jesus (through John in Apocalypsos) admonishing the luke-warm faithfull at one of those seven churches, I forget which, in ancient Turkey.

It's been my sin, indifference that is. An economic term for me. Economics is interested in what choices rational consumers are indifferent about. A movie costing ten bucks or a book costing the same. That sort of thing. 'Revealed preference' is the phrase I'm thinking of as well.

For the record, I've passed all the C.P.M. modules and qualify for a Lifetime C.P.M. designation. I may not, however, get around to sending in the paperwork.

Saw the movie 'A Face In The Crowd' last night. Andy Griffith and Patricia Neal and an excellant Walter Matthau in a supporting role. This is a very relevant movie today. I guess one could say it's Andy Griffith in a sort of Elmer Gantry type role. Terrific commentary on politics and TV and the fragility of fame and popularity. No one has seen it.

The end may be coming for me. Don't even know if I want to hit the road again. House is going away, finally, sometime early next month. Might try to take Kitty ('Ole Lady') to the Dumb Friend's League. Or may have to just let her fend for herself with the occasional help of strangers. I've sat with Kitty in front of a blazing fire lately. Made me think how lucky I had been but just couldn't see it. I had a life worth preserving but just threw it away with gambling and booze and chronic inertia, which preceeded the gambling and booze. Of course that begs the question: Isn't this life NOW worth preserving. Perhaps. But too much may have been lost. And I'm satisfied that things are stable. My mother is well cared for. My sister will have to fend for herself as always. 47 has seemed at times both very old and very young. What more is there to do, though? Why shouldn't I bring it to an end?

The most common answer is that I don't have the right. It's a good answer but not entirely sufficient. Maybe just drive to I-O-Way and watch some campaigning. Might be fun and I have always wanted to do it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Marcus Aurelius Antonius Oswaldus

My boy hit a thirty yarder at Legacy. I sucked. Groove was not working apparently. Oh, well, I've still got the forty two yarder at TJ from last week. Nice making contact with another old AEPi frat brother.

Caught a bit of the network evening news last night, just prior to the Broncos game. These drug commercials are disgusting. They had a new one for some new drug for chronic constipation. If you're only 'going' two or three times a week this will boost you to five or six. Of course diarrhea(sp?) is one of the side effects. Whatever happened to fiber, good diet, exercise and sleep?

We are getting the urge to bolt to Vegas and bet it all. Rotated the tires and got an oil change. Also a new air filter. Ready to go as another Thanksgiving beckons.....

Thursday, November 15, 2007

TJ 42 yarder

Well, we hit a 42 yarder at the gorgeous Thomas Jefferson HS field. The team was gracious enough to let me attempt a few at the opposite end of the field. Then I fled, lest I overstay my welcome. A perfect 42 yarder. Missed at 47 but who cares?

Sister had fifteen hundred from my mother for the first half of November. Guess it's all gone now. Tough luck. Manage the largesse better next time around.

I may head out again with a small stake. Sopranos dream episode last night. Had a similiar dream myself. Not Tony's Coach Molinaro dream. Mine involves CU and the crunch of finals....

Friday, November 9, 2007

"Another Day, Another Chance"--Bo Place

Ah, we dropped by old Place Middle School (known as "Junior High" back in my day). Sipped cheap vodka and roamed the halls a bit. We thought we wanted to try climbing the ropes. Alas, we found now ropes in the gymnasia. Walked across the stage in the auditorium, the same stage on which we perfomed 'Big Bad John' all those decades ago.

Our kitty cozied up a little bit today for the first time. She came in the foreclosed house and jumped on the half wall near the entrance. Sweet kitty whom our brother had named 'Ole Lady. Almost thirteen now. She'll have a new home soon.

Hit field goals of 27 and 32 yards at GW yesterday. Straight-on placekicking is harder than it looks, especially for an out of shape forty seven year old. We're going back today and try to break 40 yards. We watched GW practice. Very funny to behold. My only thought was how much more fun football and track would have been with grain spirits! And see our mother and take her some tabloids.

O.J. looks pretty good twelve years on. Is 'poetic justice' the phase? Surely not irony.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


I didn't know today was Thursday. Would have sworn it was Wednesday. The days just meld into each sand through an hourglass, these are the Days of Our Lives......

I spoke with a few frat brothers from the old Boulder days. House going away is in the final stages. Nashville beckons....