Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Big Sur

Drove north from LA through Big Sur last night. Stayed the night in Monterey. Had the road to myself for the most part. Hope to drive back south and catch the stunning views during suntime. Funny, I pulled off at an inn and, silly me, thought about getting a room. Only $850 and $1000. Lovely couple, though, taking a nude swim in the clothing-optional pool! I fear we are starting to stretch our supply lines (think Alexander the Great). Alexander never returned to home to Macedonia. Lead his army to the eastern Pakistan and then died in Babylon. Lucky to find a computer at a Holiday Inn Express just north of Monterey. Guess we'll head back south and take in some sights. San Francisco may not be in the cards. Some lovely departure points in Big Sur. Flying leap and all that, maybe even with the car. Several dreams about the old job. Funny that, the dream world. Would that we had planned a sabbatical and had something to come back to. But then that's the point: Maybe we didn't want anything to come back to! Just drift around a bit and then the old "Ave et Vale". Good for you Krissy. Good luck with Joe, or whoever follows. You deserve happiness and stability. Kate, thanks for everything.

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