Friday, May 25, 2007

Funny, I remember that movie at the Chez Artiste.....Guess we're going to drink at work until fired...How prescient! But it took three more years of fun and boozing and buying. Anonymousbuyer does have some interesting memories that, fortunately, he can still bring up.

March 15, 2004, Mon, 12:10…..Yukon and a shooter of….oh, the memory is going….wait, I’ve got it: Weller. Sex with M 4 times from Sat 2:30ish through Sun 2:30ish at her place. 4 orgasms in 24 hours has to be a record for me. Went out with J on Friday night to foreign flick at Chez Artiste. Omar Sharif. Only problem was that I was drinking steadily all day and on the light rail to meet her, etc. Slept through the movie for the most part. She drove me home and that was that. Although she did show me her rented house and I got a taste of her parsley. That image will last quite a while, if not my entire life, if J goes not much farther. . It’s now very predictable. JO’d also Sun night and Mon. morn. Again, more records in mixed orgasm category! J seemed to be normal today. No sense she knew I was drinking, etc. I’ll ask her for a walk or to hang out or something and see if she’s up for it. Guess we might have to choose. But then maybe not. Guess we are gonna drink at work until fired. I’m just not willing to work for the City, I guess. Who knows?……

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