Friday, May 25, 2007

Only six hundred leaps a year out of thirty-some thousand successful suicides--mostly men of course. That would be the way to go. Anyone can blow their brains out or take a bottle of pills. Takes guts and courage to leap like my brother did. Someone told me to take a flying leap and I did. One should experience a fall of a hundred feet without a net before one dies. Right. Six hundred for the entire country. One for every 500 thousand. Means only, what, seven or eight in Colorado. The stigma of suicide. Nobody talks about it for precisely that reason. But brothers leaping from the same building--that would be impressive. Has that even happened before. Probably. But we would be in select company. So much stuff to go through at the house. I'm just weary of it. Why can't someone check out? Who's to force an individual to endure a life that's been always devoid of pleasure? Question: But do we blow the last of the roll first? Sister is hopeless. Give her a grand to blow. My uncle(s) can take care of my mother. I've worked myself into a frenzy over nothing all these years......

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